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Volunteers are an integral part of the LRM community. By the giving of their time, equipment, vehicles and skill sets, our volunteers honor God and provide LRM with an invaluable gift.

Thank you for participating in the volunteer program. 

Service Projects

Volunteering as a small group or church is a great way to serve the Lord together, spend time in fellowship, and make a difference in God’s Kingdom work. There is no better way to teach servant leadership than to serve! At LRM, we have service projects for all ages. Visit our service project page for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Cleaning and Housekeeping

  • Electricians

  • Food Service

  • Gardening

  • Hosting Children’s Games on the Weekend

  • IT support

  • Landscaping/mowing/leaf-blowing

  • Assistance with Mailings

  • Lifeguards

  • Painting

  • Plumbers

  • Road Repair

  • Tree Service

Individuals and Volunteer groups are welcomed

Fill out the form below for more information or contact the office administrator to schedule your volunteer time today!

Select One
Select one or more volunteer opportunities you are interested in learning more about: